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- Bibliography
- How to use the Bibliography
- 01 Reference and Bibliography 60
- 02 General 394
- 03 Origins & Pre-war 86
- 04 International Relations during the War 191
- 05 The Military and Naval War 9
- 06 Soldiers & Combat 83
- 07 Gender 42
- 08 Society 56
- 09 Economy 667
- 11 Science, Technology, and Medicine 43
- 12 Politics 105
- 13 Africa 409
- 14 Asia 345
- 15 Australia 566
- 16 Austria-Hungary 856
- 17 The Balkans and Eastern Europe 24
- 18 Belgium 482
- 19 Britain 1098
- 20 The French and British Empires 646
- 21 Canada 408
- 22 France 27
- 23 Germany 1148
- 24 India 182
- 25 Ireland 252
- 26 Italy 921
- 27 Neutral States 39
- 28 New Zealand 159
- 29 The Ottoman Empire and the Middle East 627
- 30 Portugal 254
- 31 Russia 864
- 32 The United States of America 870
- 33 Peacemaking and Continued Conflict 678
- 34 Legacy 1991
- Prisoners of War 358
- Western Front 447
- Russian Front 141
- Naval Warfare 373
- Religion 662
- Published memoirs & biographies 71
- 35 Films 2
- Fictional 2
- USA 56
- Great Britain 8
- France 12
- Germany 9
- Russia 2
- Poland 1
- Italy 3
- Canada 1
- Australia and New Zealand 3
- China 1
- Ireland 1
- Aviation 182
- 2011-11 Péronne & GHI Paris 18
- Origins debate 117
- Pre-war period 474
- General 30
- Balkans 168
- Occupations and violence against civilians 429
- Home fronts 387
- Experience of combat 202
- Military organisation/logistics/justice 488
- Women and War 870
- Masculinity 221
- Children and War 327
- Medicine 821
- Science & Technology 265
- Poland 446
- Romania 161
- Ukraine 56
- Balkans 315
- Bulgaria 70
- 2012-04 IHEAL Paris 14
- South America 385
- Netherlands 83
- Scandinavia + Nordic Countries 104
- Spain 146
- General 40
- Greece 62
- Switzerland 186
- Italian-Austrian Front 89
- French Army and its combattants 299
- French society during the war 925
- East Africa 136
- Middle East 137
- 36 Games 45
- Baltic States 34
- 10 Culture 131
- Intellectuals and the War 773
- Literature 1528
- Visual Arts, theatre, film, music etc. 686