The French version of the site is currently undergoing maintenance work and is unavailable.
How to use the Bibliography
Using the bibliography as a reference tool
The bibliography is currenlty accessible via its page on the Zotero website where you can search across the entire content and filter columns by author or title. The sections on the left make it a useful tool, for society members looking for references on a specific subject, but also as a starting point to give to students embarking on research on the First World War.
Zotero users can join the group bibliography on the Zotero website by simply clicking on the “Join group” button. When you next synchronise your Zotero database, the entire group bibliography with its subcategories will appear in the groups section of your own Zotero. You can then use the functions of Zotero you are used to : editing bibliographies for students in any given citation style, citing references as you write, but also dragging references (or whole collections) into your own database (“My library”) for annotation or adding files of your own.
Using the bibliography to keep up with new publications
As the editors add references to the group bibliography when they see them appear, you can use this bibliography to keep up to speed on new publications.
There are several options:
- If you already use a reader for RSS-feeds, you can add the RSS-feed for the group bibliography []
- If you use Twitter, you can choose to follow the group bibliography’s Twitter account, @FWWbib
The bibliography was put together using references from various sources. The following were particularly useful:
- Horne, John. A Companion to the First World War. Wiley-Blackwell, 2010.
- Becker, Jean-Jacques, and Stéphane Audoin-Rouzeau, eds. Encyclopédie de la Grande Guerre 1914-1918. Bayard, 2004.
- Regulski, Christoph. Bibliographie Zum Ersten Weltkrieg. Marburg: Tectum-Verl., 2005.
- Online bibliography of the CRID 14-18
- Previous bibliographies collected in 2002 by society members in collaboration with the journal, 14-18 Aujourd’hui, Today, Heute, Editions Noêsis
- Private Zotero collections of Society members (P.Purseigle & F.Heimburger)
- Anne Samson shares the new references added to the Great War in East Africa website <> to keep us updated on the work on that front
- Stephan Lehnstaedt generously contributed his comprehensive bibliography on Poland during the First World War
- The Ireland WWI project <> helped us bring the section on Ireland up to scratch
- Matthias Egger helped improve the section on Austria-Hungary
- Manon Pignot made sure the section on children during the war was complete
- Emiliano Sanchez contributed references on South America during the First World War
- Andrea Griffante added references on the Baltic countries
- Cédric Cotter contributed on Switzerland during the Great War
- Ann-Marie Einhaus made constributions to the section on literature
- The film section was established by Emma Castle-Grandstaff, using suggestions from the Society mailing list
- Franziska Heimburger, Pierre Purseigle, María Ines Tato, Felicita Ratti and Victor Demiaux who
do most of the regular work adding new references
The International Society for First World War Studies has an on-going collaboration with the 1914-1918-Online International Encyclopedia of the First World War focussed on bibliographic exchanges. As a result, over 6000 titles from the online Encyclopedia are currently available in our bibliography while our titles will shortly appear on the Encyclopedia pages.
Finally, thanks go to John Clifford who wrote the code to enable us to present the Zotero bibliography on our site.