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Join a global community of scholars dedicated to the study of the First World War.

Participate in Our Email Discussion List

Receive updates about relevant calls for papers, conferences, publications and news items shared by society members.

Ask for help with your research, find collaborators for your latest venture and share your knowledge in discussions with other members.


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Receive Your First World War Studies Journal

The First Word War Studies Journal is peer-reviewed and published by Taylor & Francis. Since 2014 the society has published 3 issues per year and society members have had online access to the journal.

Attend Our Conferences

At our conferences we discuss pre-circulated research papers in a friendly and constructive way.

We particularly aim to help postgraduates to develop their research, but any society member may submit their work.

Canada 2023


Virtual 2021


Leeds 2019


Melbourne 2018

Recording, Narrating and Archiving the First World War

What else does the society do?

Collaborative Bibliography

Franziska Heimburger is leading our crowdsourcing effort to build a bibliography of the First World War. Follow us on Twitter @FWWsoc or find us on Facebook


Our next book is coming soon

Landscapes of the First World War
War Time
Other Fronts, Other Wars?
Other Combatants, Other Fronts
Finding Common Ground

After each of our conferences we have published an edited volume of a selection of the conference papers.

How do I join the society?

Our membership subscriptions are managed by the publisher of our journal, Taylor and Francis. Amongst the benefits of becoming a member of the International Society for First World War Studies, members receive First World War Studies as part of their membership fee.

Standard Membership: £38/$57/€43
Student Membership: £30/$45/€34
(All members receive a personal print subscription to First World War Studies)

Contact or +44 (0)20 7017 5543 with your name, email address and postal address.

Important information

Membership of the society runs for the calendar year from January to December.

You will receive copies of all issues of the journal published in the calendar year of your membership. Please contact Taylor and Francis if you do not.

Members of the society will be added to our email discussion list. This is updated each month based on information provided by Taylor and Francis to the society.

If you happen to subscribe to the society just after the discussion list has been updated for the month, there will be a delay before your email address is added.

Make sure you use your preferred email address for the discussion list in the details you give to Taylor and Francis when you subscribe to the society.

It is advisable to use a continuing email address such as gmail or hotmail, rather than a work address. When members change jobs, they often forget to update the details held by Taylor and Francis, and then they miss out on emails from the society.

To amend your delivery details for the journal or for the email discussion list, email subscriptions[at]

Make sure emails from are not sent to your junk mail.

The society and this website are administered by volunteer postgrads and academics who gladly contribute this work in their spare time.