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Freie Universität Berlin
DFG-Projekt „1914-1918-online. International Encyclopedia of the First World War“
1914-1918-Online Job Advertisement
Im Rahmen des von der DFG geförderten Projektes „1914-1918-online. International Encyclopedia of the First World War“ werden am Friedrich-Meinecke-Institut (Prof. Dr. Oliver Janz) und am Center für Digitale Systeme (Prof. Dr. Nicolas Apostolopoulos) der Freien Universität Berlin fünf...
Application Address:
01628 507188
01628 507129
£30,000 per annum
Full time
We are the international organisation responsible for preserving the many cemeteries and memorials that commemorate the sacrifices made by the Commonwealth forces in...
Dans le cadre d’un nouvel axe de recherche sur la Première Guerre mondiale,
l’Institut historique allemand de Paris
décerne à l’automne 2011
un contrat doctoral fléché sur la France et le champ thématique suivant:
« Histoire culturelle de l’avant-guerre »
School of History and Cultures
Starting salary £36,532 to £43,622 a year (potential progression on performance once in post to £49,096 a year).
We are looking for two historians who work on the history of war and conflict from c. 1700 to the present. This field is interpreted broadly to include all approaches...