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The Society News Feed Archive

  • Conference program "The Collapse of Ottoman and Austria-Hungarian Empires: Patterns and Legacies" (Vienna 16/17-01-2014)

    Organized by the Turkish Studies Project at the University of Utah, the Ludwig Boltzmann-Institute for Social Science History and the Institute for East European History at the University of Vienna

  • CFP: Vivere la guerra. Pensare la pace / Living war. Thinking peace (1914-1921).

    The online journal dedicated to women’s memory, DEP. Deportees, Exiles, Refugees (, is organising an international conference on women and the First World War to be held in Venice on 27th and 28th November 2014. The themes of the conference will bring together women’s experiences of war, feminist thought on the war/peace dichotomy, and the actions and behaviours that actualised the female vision of the issues and suffering brought about by the war. In methodological terms, preference will be given to subjective and collective perspectives in order to move beyond the conventional images and representations produced by wartime “deployment”.



    Université Paris Ouest Nanterre La Défense
    Centre allemand d’histoire de l’art / Deutsches Forum für Kunstgeschichte

    Jeudi 5 et vendredi 6 décembre 2013

  • Belligérance libérale. La Grande-Bretagne face à la Grande Guerre

    Belligérance libérale. La Grande-Bretagne face à la Grande Guerre

    Le premier conflit mondial obligea la Grande-Bretagne à adapter ses structures militaires, économiques et politiques pour répondre aux exigences de la guerre industrielle. La transformation d’une armée traditionnellement assignée au maintien de l’ordre impérial eut un impact considérable sur la culture politique libérale dominante.

  • Kate Adie, women historians and the First World War

    Last week, I read Kate Adie’s article publicising her new book celebrating the diverse ways in which women worked in the First World War. In it she bemoans the fact that ‘the history of the war has been almost entirely written by men’

  • CFP: Edith Wharton Symposium: 22 and 23 August 2013, Liverpool Hope University, UK

    The symposium marks the 100th anniversary of the publication of Wharton’s much-read and much-analyzed novel The Custom of the Country.

  • "Letter from America" - Mike Neiberg on the upcoming centenary

    Society member Mike Neiberg recently attended the International Centennial Planning Conference entitled “A CENTURY IN THE SHADOW OF THE GREAT WAR , held at the National World War One Museum in Kansas and gave a keynote speech entitled: ““The Outbreak of War in 1914: A...

  • CFP: The Academic World in the Era of the Great War, Dublin, 2014

     The Great War could neither have been fought nor won without scientific knowledge. Academic expertise in various fields, from history and law to chemistry and medicine, proved crucial to its prosecution. New links were forged with government that would alter forever the ways in which universities functioned and their relationship with the state. As communities, universities were at the heart...

  • CFP: "The Advocates of Peace, 1899-1917" - Paris, 15th-17th January 2014

    To mark the centenary of WW1 at the beginning of 2014, the University Paris-Est and the German historical Institute suggest to reflect on the downfall of peace and the failure of those who wanted to prevent a general European war from breaking out or who tried to interrupt its...

  • "Encountering the Other in Wartime: The Great War as an intercultural moment?" 7th Society Conference, Paris 26th & 27th September 2013

    After very successful conferences in Lyon, Oxford, Dublin, Washington D.C., London, and Innsbruck, the International Society for First World War Studies is pleased to organise its seventh conference in Paris on 26-27 September 2013. The German Historical Institute in Paris, The University of Birmingham (UK), and the Cité Nationale de l’Histoire de l’Immigration are supporting this event....

  • "Altérités en guerre. La Grande Guerre comme moment interculturel ?" 7e colloque international de la société, Paris 26-27 septembre 2013

    Après le succès des rencontres précédentes organisées à Lyon, Oxford, Dublin, Washington, Londres et Innsbruck, la Société Internationale d’Etude de la Grande Guerre tiendra son septième colloque à Paris les 26 et 27 septembre 2013, grâce au soutien de l’Institut Historique Allemand de Paris, de l’Université de Birmingham et de la Cité Nationale de l’Histoire de l’Immigration.

    Le thème retenu pour...

  • Statement on position in relation to Open Access

    A number of leading history journals have produced a joint statement on the open access policy proposed by the UK Government in response to the publication of the Finch report. First World War Studies is among the signatories to this statement.

    We, as editors of the History journals listed below, would like to make our views clear in relation to...

  • Podcasts: First World War: New Perspectives

    As we approach the 100th anniversary of the First World War this series of short talks presents new perspectives on the world’s first experience of Total War. Produced by the University of Oxford, and presented by renowned experts in the field, the series explores topics such as ‘conflict culture’, ‘surplus women’ and the role of the historian in the centenary. ...

  • News: Ireland and the First World War

    Project to bridge the gap between academic and public activity surrounding Ireland and the First World War

    With Ireland’s ‘Decade of Commemorations’ underway, historians at Goldsmiths, University of London and the University of Exeter have created a special website to gather information and knowledge about Ireland’s involvement in the First World War.

    The website project will collate research and event information...

  • Doktorandenstelle: „Rechtshistorische Aspekte des Ersten Weltkriegs“

    Das Institut français d’histoire en Allemagne (IFHA) ist eine französische staatliche Forschungseinrichtung, die seit 2009 an der Goethe-Universität Frankfurt beherbergt ist. Es betreibt Forschung zur deutschen bzw. deutsch-französischen Geschichte und bringt sich aktiv auf verschiedene Art und Weise (Stipendien, Übersetzungen, Tagungen und Workshops, Publikationen, Konferenzen und Vorträge) in die Förderung von Initiativen und Begegnungen zwischen Historikern Frankreichs und Deutschlands...

  • CFP: Literature and Culture, 1914-1945

    The editors of The Space Between: Literature and Culture, 1914-1945 seek submissions for the next special topics issue of the journal (vol. 10) on “The Great War: Centenary Perspectives.”

    Guest edited by Mark D. Larabee of the U.S. Naval Academy,, this issue will be published in fall 2014.

    Deadline for submissions is April 15, 2013.

    Of special interest are interdisciplinary articles...

  • CFP: The Great War in Post-Memory Literature, Drama and Film

    The Great War has never ceased to haunt the imagination. Across time and nations, the subject of the first major conflict of the twentieth century has returned over and over again in prose fiction, drama, and film. The oncoming centenary is a very good time for a reconsideration of the place and meaning of this conflict in our contemporary post-memory...

  • CFP: Krieg & Tourismus im Spannungsfeld des Ersten Weltkrieges


    Veranstalter: Touriseum. Südtiroler Landesmuseum für Tourismus

    Datum, Ort:  07.-09.11.2013, Meran, Schloss Trauttmansdorff (Südtirol/Italien)

    Deadline: 01.03.2013

    Das Südtiroler Landesmuseum für Tourismus in Meran, kurz Touriseum, behandelt das für Südtirol zentrale Phänomen Tourismus in seinen zahlreichen Facetten. Das Museum vermittelt, wie der Tourismus als Branche funktioniert, wie Reisende und Bereiste zum Entstehen und zur Veränderung einer touristischen Region beitragen. Das Museum will aber auch zeigen,...

  • Why are we still trying to understand the outbreak of World War One?

    In this St John’s College Research Centre 2012 Annual Lecture at Oxford, Professor Margaret MacMillan examines the reasons why this question has remained important over the last 100 years and suggests some possible explanations for the outbreak of the war.

    Prof. MacMillan’s lecture

  • JOBS: 3 x Research Fellows, University of Birmingham

    Collaborative EuropeaN Digital/Archival Infrastructure (CENDARI)

    University of Birmingham – College of Arts and Law – School of History and Cultures Starting salary £27,578 a year, in a range up to £35,938 a year, with potential progression to £38,140 a year

    The School of History and Cultures at the University of Birmingham seeks to appoint 3 Postdoctoral Research Fellows for three years...

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